The occurrence of natural disasters in east Asia, sweeping through several countries in the region, happen more often than any region in the world. Highly accessible and available geoscience information from the countries in the region is very important for natural disaster mitigation and for the management and sustainable use of natural resources. The CCOP Geoinformation Sharing Infrastructure for East and Southeast Asia (GSi) Project is implemented by the Geological Survey of Japan (GSJ) and the Coordinating Committee for Geoscience Programmes in East and Southeast Asia (CCOP). The project is participated by the CCOP member countries. The main objective of the project is to develop a cost effective web-based information system for the sharing of geoscience information among the countries in the region. The system makes geoscience information in east Asia readily accessible and available to the public. It also provides interface for spatial information processing, analysis, download and upload and the creation of customized WebGIS portal for spatial data viewing. The GSi project was officially started during the kick-off meeting on September 1 to 2, 2015 in Bangkok, Thailand. This system was opened to the public (preliminary) during the CCOP 50th memorial anniversary and annual meeting on Nov. 2, 2016 in Bangkok.
The GSi portal is a GIS-based spatial information sharing system using Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) and Open Geospatial Consortium based web services for geoscience information management, processing, analysis and sharing. Spatial information processing and sharing are implemented though the formulation of web services Web Map Service (WMS) and Web Processing Service (WPS). Users process, analyze, render and share geoscience data by sending request to these web services. Please refer to the User's Guide on this page for the details about the system and on how to use it.
The GSi project is headed by Dr. Shinji Takarada and the GSi information system is developed by Dr. Joel C. Bandibas of GSJ. The current version of this information system is V-4.1 .